Paige A. Thompson
Systems Engineer / Software Developer
Seattle, Washington
At my core I am a systems administrator and software engineer. Starting in the year 2000, I grew up immersed in the Seattle tech and startup scene around other professional systems administrators, software engineers, and security researchers. I share the same undying passion for better software and technology with many of my professional colleagues and friends. I have sought to establish a strong, security-minded skill set throughout my career as well as a vital appreciation for productive technology that must interface with the non-technical world.


Bash, Python, PHP, C#, Javascript, C/C++, Golang, Rust
Operating Systems
Windows Server(2k, 3, 8, 16) Linux(SuSE/Kubic/Gentoo/Debian and advanced Linux kernel concepts), FreeBSD, OpenBSD
KVM/libvirt, containerd/cri-o, OpenvSwitch, Vagrant, podman, docker-compose, Terraform, Helm
OpenVPN, L2/L3 tunneling, tcpdump, iptables/nftables(v0.9/1.0+), eBPF, iproute2, NetFlow, scapy, hping3, tcpreplay/bittwiste, TCP/IP(v4/v6) PROXY Protocol, HTTP Forward/Reverse Proxying
S3, EC2, VPC, IAM, Route53, CloudFormation, Organizations, CloudWatch, CloudTrail
HTML/CSS, Hugo, WordPress, Django, Kdenlive, GIMP
DNSSEC, BCP38, principle of least privilege, ACME, SNI, transaction isolation, eventual consistency, OpenID, JWT, SAML, responsible disclosure, good faith hacking


Freelance Software / Systems Engineer
  • Developing solutions with OpenVPN, FRR, and Ansible
Amazon Web Services Inc.
Seattle, Washington
Systems Engineer Level 4 - S3 Border Reliability
  • Planned, scheduled, and configured new hardware in Amazon’s datacenters around the world to address network capacity needs and new capacity for introduction of new availability regions.
  • Assisted in the removal and much needed documentation of processes for retiring deprecated infrastructure without affecting customers or other services in the organization.
  • Participated in a 24/7 on-call rotation to address and remediate customer impacting events such as outages, software and hardware faults, and denial of service attacks within service level agreements.
ATG Stores Inc.
Kirkland, Washington
Software Engineer - Internal Tools Team
  • Developed applications in .NET for the internal tools team; anything from adding new models and/or business logic in Dynamics AX/GP to a simple FTP client designed specifically for the marketing team.
  • Collaborated with the website team on resolving their backlog items; Javascript errors that occur in specific views and not others, CSS bugs, and minimizing false positives in the logging framework.
  • Left the company to stay for a long term period in Greece with family.
ConnectXYZ LLC.
Woodinville, Washington
Lead DevOps Engineer / Software Engineer
  • Built server deployment and configuration automation with Opscode Chef on Rackspace infrastructure; this entire stack included HAProxy, nginx, PHP-fpm, Percona XtraDB cluster, Couchbase, OSSEC, munin, and nagios.
  • Developed custom Iptables and ISC Bind 9 chef cookbooks. The iptables cookbook used chef-client registration information together with role-based attributes to determine specific egress and ingress rules on both the internal and external network planes without a need for one-off firewall rules to be specified.
  • Assisted in planning a scheduled launch for a beta release with my team and the service was made available to several clients for trial in December 2012.

History (continued)

Acronym Media Inc.
Software Engineer
  • Assisted in the development of an SEO (KPI and insights dashboarding) analytics platform using PHP Symfony, Highcharts.js, MySQL/Propel.
The Branning Group
Software Engineer - Part-Time
  • Developed on Wordpress, drupal, Joomla, and custom PHP/MySQL/Javascript websites for Mr. Branning and his clients.
Onvia Inc.
Seattle, Washington
Software Engineer
  • Developed a data migration platform in C#, LINQ, MSSQL, LINQ-to-SQL, WCF, and WPF for the purpose of moving data from an older SQL 2000 database to a newer ORM-based database and production environment.
Zion Prepatory Academy
Seattle, Washington
IT Manager - Part-time
  • Managed Active Directory, Exchange Server 2007, Google Apps for Education / non-profits, accounting software, networking, and security for roughly 100 users; the entire K-6 school including faculty and students.
  • Contributed my own hardware with no strings attached for the purpose of getting things done the right way in a low budget environment.
  • Provided help desk and computer repair for all school computers (many rebuilds) running Windows XP with Office, student software, and managed in active directory with several different OUs and varying group policy configurations.
SeattleSoft Inc.
Seattle, Washington
Software Engineer / Systems Administrator
  • Developed an inventory management front-end application for PalmOS 4.x in Metrowerks CodeWarrior which ran on Symbol SPT 1846 PalmOS-based PDAs. The application could scan labels for products anywhere with WiFi access around a warehouse and allows for remote management of inventory.
  • Developed in Java, PHP, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Mr Williams and his clients.


Hurricane Electric IPv6


    NFTables 1.x
    Intro to NFTables 1.x


    Bellevue Community College
    Bellevue, WA
    Associate Arts (A.A.) Computer Programming
    • Left prior to completing my degree to focus on work at Seattle Software Systems.


    Netcrave Communications
    Sole Proprietor
    • Provided DNS, e-mail, website, shell acounts, and game server hosting as well as static IPv4 and IPv6 tunnels.
    • VPN, active network monitoring, and denial of service protection services.
    • Developed several MVC web application development frameworks.
    • Participated in independent security research to better understand the nature of security problems on the modern internet.